Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise Services: evaluates your organization’s cyber crisis processes to Detect, Respond, Investigate, and provide incident response awareness. Our team will setup a Tabletop Exercise and guides your team through a targeted attack scenario that accurately and effectively mimics the experience of a targeted attack.
Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise
Cyber Tabletop Exercise services (CTEP)
Our Cyber Security Tabletop Exercises & Incident Response planning technique designed to evaluate your organization’s incident response plan. Tabletop exercises engage Incident Response Team members and help them manage their response to a hypothetical security incident and identify plan weaknesses to improve the team’s capabilities to respond to real security events. Cyber Security Incident Tabletop Exercise services (CTEP) is designed to assist critical infrastructure owners and operators in developing their own tabletop exercises to meet the specific needs of their facilities and stakeholders. Cyber Security Incident Tabletop Exercise allows users to leverage pre-built exercise templates and vetted scenarios to build tabletop exercises to assess, develop, and update information sharing processes, emergency plans, programs, policies, and procedures.
Let our team of incident response experts assist you with your Tabletop Exercise, our Tabletop Exercise Service assess your organization’s incident response defense posture with real-world injects from our team’s first-hand experiences, provide custom threat scenarios based on your organization’s most concerning risks, and deliver actionable recommendations to prevent adversaries from disrupting your most critical industrial assets and processes.
Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise & Threat Hunting services
Our team will prepare your organization for any cyberattack. It clearly identifies vulnerabilities and whom is responsible in a cyberattack. We are one of the world's leading independent cyber incident & crisis management authorities, offering advisory services
Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises
Our Tabletop Exercise is discussion-based and provides an incident scenario that has been tailored to your unique environment and operational needs. The Services team facilitates a discussion with your response team that includes the actions that are required, who is responsible for them, who needs to be notified and how to coordinate these multiple moving parts.
An increased understanding and awareness of existing threats
Identification of gaps in IR plan (technical, logistical, planning)
Clarification of emergency roles and responsibilities
Capability assessment (people, process, technology)
Feedback to improve response and / or IR plan
Runbook creation to speed up the incident response process
Tabletop Exercises & Incident Response
This is where our experienced Incident Response Service and Incident Response Management Team can help contain, mitigate, and help you recover from a security breach. Our experienced investigators can quickly be reached to immediately begin assessing the compromise method used to target your organization. Our well-trained investigators will begin with a remote assessment to quickly provide direction on how to best contain and mitigate the attack.
Incident Response Tabletop Exercises
CyberSecOp’s proactive program improves Incident Response times, lowers costs, and implements a continuous improvement process to strengthen your overall security effectiveness.
Tabletop exercises provide a simulation of emergency situations in informal, stress-free environments. Tabletop exercise facilitators, safety professionals experienced in managing emergencies and crisis situations, provide a scenario and series of events to stimulate discussions by participants who assess and resolve unfolding problems based on their existing plans.
Incident response tabletop exercises are a low-cost scenario based approach to ensure your business is prepared to respond to the same type of incidents you hear about in the news. Here are a few practical ways a tabletop exercise can help your business be more proactive and responsive when it comes to managing your security program.
Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance
When a comprehensive Incident Response Program is paired with a CyberSecOp global Incident Response Retainer, your team can be sure they will be ready to act quickly and with confidence when an incident occurs.
Cyber Security Consultancy Services
Emergency Tabletop Exercise Management targets executives who are accountable for managing and overseeing emergency tabletop exercises and offers them a unique, groundbreaking capability to implement and manage all aspects of a tabletop exercise and, consequently, contributes to preserving safety in air transportation.
Tabletop Exercises Incident Response services
Many incident response engagements result in struggle, because security teams have never executed their proposed plans. CyberSecOp will walk you through real incident scenarios, identify evidence sources, perform mock communications, and make recommendations for cleanup and recovery.
Our cybersecurity tabletop exercise is a focused workshop which simulates the cyber threats being faced by an organization to demonstrate what a response would look like in the real world. Specifically, the exercise will test a program’s ability to detect, assess, contain, and eradicate a threat based on its existing incident response practices. Our experts prepare the tabletop exercise scenarios ahead of time based on their assessment of current program state, agreed workshop goals, and the IR playbook(s) to be tested.
1. Preparation
If your organization fell victim to a ransomware attack, would your employees know what to do? Tabletop exercises help organizations outline the steps they might take during a cyber attack. By discussing the scenario in advance, Our CyberSecOp CISOs and other risk experts can identify flaws or gaps in the organization’s response and make adjustments.
2. Testing
Is your preparedness program the best it can be? Testing it out in a safe environment lets you know if your response plan is effective. By discussing different ways a scenario might play out, you can effectively compare different response plans.
3. Identify flaws in the plan
There is always room for improvement. Conducting tabletop exercises can help you identify what your organization needs to work on, such as:
Finding missing links in the chain-of-command
Ensuring documentation of response plans
Finding gaps in your recovery processes
4. ROI
Setting aside time to conduct an exercise can potentially save your organization thousands of dollars in ransomware or data breach recovery expenses. Knowing how to handle a cyber incident can help your employees take proper measures in hopes of preventing a successful attack.
5. Coordination
Dealing with a cyber incident doesn’t fall to just one team. Cyber attacks can affect an entire organization, requiring multiple departments to come together to resolve the issue, and may even require coordination with external partners, such as hosting or service providers. Cyber threats – phishing emails, clickbait scams, and the business email compromise – can target any member of your organization. That’s why it’s important for everyone to receive basic cybersecurity training, such as a tabletop exercise.
6. Determine roles
Who does what when you’re under attack? Identifying certain individuals and security leaders can help make your response plan more successful. Divide up the tasks for different cyber incident scenarios and document everyone’s responsibilities. Cyber attacks can create chaos, so having a plan with clearly-defined roles will help avoid confusion.
7. Peace of mind
Now that you’ve taken the time to run through a cyber scenario and you know the areas you need to improve upon…it’s time to make a plan! The information gathered from your tabletop exercise discussions can help provide a personalized roadmap to strengthen your security posture.
Simulation, Testing, and Tabletop Exercise
The opportunity to immerse teams into the realities of a major incident or crisis is one of the single most important activities to help build capability and engagement for your program. From simulated cyber security threats, pandemic situations, supply chain issues to adverse weather scenarios, we can help you build a simulated environment that reflects your unique business operations, ensuring a comprehensive and unforgettable learning experience for participants. CyberSecOp provides a wide range of scenario exercise services for clients, whether it is a Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Major Incident Management or combined focus, from table-top.