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Regulatory Compliance
CyberSecurity, Information Security Governance program for businesses, CyberSecOP understand that compliance is a critical component of any security program, we can implement and govern the right Governance, Risk,
and Compliance framework
for your business.

Regulatory Compliance & CyberSecurity

CyberSecOP Regulatory Compliance & CyberSecurity services, our client’s get multiple board-level resources, they ‘virtually sit inside your company’ and manage your security strategy, budget, review of risks and regulatory programs.

CyberSecOp describle IT governance as, "Specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT." If desirable behavior involves independent business units, IT investment decisions will be with the unit heads. If desirable behavior involves an enterprise-wide view of the customer with a single point-of-contact, then central IT control works best.

Strategies for IT Governance and Regulatory Compliance

  • Our disciplines are based on the following

    • Operational excellence. Emphasizes efficiency and reliability. Leaders in price and convenience. Minimizes costs; streamlines supply chain. Governance is usually more centralized.

    • Customer intimacy. Focuses on building relationships with the customer. Governance models might allow more individual discretion.

    • Product or service leadership. Leaders in innovation, new solutions and rapid commercialization. Governance models might blend centralized approaches for fast innovation with decentralized approaches to allow more autonomy for innovation.

  • Business unit autonomy vs. synergy (centralized vs. decentralized)

    • Business unit autonomy can yields more growth

    • Business unit synergy can yield more profit

Management Principles for Designing Governance to Address Strategic Objectives

  • Make tough choices

  • Develop metrics to formalize strategic choices

  • Determine where organizational structure limits desirable behaviors. Design governance mechanisms to overcome the limitation.

  • Allow governance to evolve as management learns the role of IT and how to accept accountability for maximizing IT value. To facilitate synergy, firms use:

    • IT architecture committees

    • Chargeback

      • Clarifies cost savings for the shared model

      • Encourages responsible use of resources

    CyberSecOP offers Regulatory Compliance and CyberSecurity:

  • PCI DSS Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • HIPAA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • HITECH Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • GLBA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • FISMA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • GDPR Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • NYDFS Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • ISO 27000 Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

  • NIST Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

 We know a good Governance, Risk and Compliance program will protect your organization from Cyber Criminals.