IT Security and Governance, Information Security Governance for business we can implement the right Governance, Risk,
and Compliance framework.
IT Security and Governance
Cyber Security Operations Consulting IT Security and Governance, Governance, Risk and Compliance services, you get to retain a board-level resource who can ‘virtually sit inside your company’ and manage your security strategy, budget, review of risks and regulatory programs.
CyberSecOp describe IT governance as, "Specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT." If desirable behavior involves independent business units, IT investment decisions will be with the unit heads. If desirable behavior involves an enterprise-wide view of the customer with a single point-of-contact, then central IT control works best.
Three Functions of Governance
What decisions must be made to ensure effective management and use of IT?
IT principles - clarifying the business role of IT
IT architecture - standardization and integration requirements
IT infrastructure - shared services that provide the foundation for IT capability
Business application needs - specifying the business need for purchased and internally developed IT applications
IT investment and prioritization - choosing what initiatives to fund and how much to spend
Who should make decisions? Archetypes for allocating decision rights.
Business monarchy - senior business executives (excluding IT) make the decisions
IT monarchy - IT executives make the decisions
Feudal - each business unit makes independent decisions
Federal - a combination of corporate center and business units, with or without IT, make decisions
IT duopoly - IT and one other group, such as senior executives or business unit leaders, make decisions
Anarchy - individual users make independent decisions for themselves
How will these decisions be made and monitored?
Why is IT Governance Important
Financial payoffs
IT is expensive
IT is pervasive
New technologies
IT governance is critical to learning about IT value
Not just technical - integration and buy-in from business leaders is needed for success
Senior executives have limited bandwidth, especially at large institutions, so they can't do it all
Governance patterns depend on desired behaviors
Top revenue growth - decentralized to promote customer responsiveness and innovation
Profit - centralized to promote sharing, reuse and efficient asset utilization
Multiple performance goals - blended centralized and decentralized governance
IT Governance Challenges
is increasingly easy to digest and digitize
has increasing importance and products and services
is difficult to value or price
has increasing risk of security and exposure
is expensive
Governance Archetypes
Business monarchy: Senior business executives make IT decisions
IT monarchy: IT executives make IT decisions
Feudal: Business unit leaders make IT decisions to optimize local needs, but does not facilitate enterprise decision-making.
Federal: Coordinated IT decision-making between the center and the business units.
IT duopoly: IT executives and one other group (such as senior executives or business units) make IT decisions.
Anarchy: Individual users or small groups make IT decisions. Anarchy is expensive, difficult to support and rare, but sometimes used when very rapid customer responsiveness is needed.
Different types of decisions might use different archetypes.
IT Principles
IT Architecture
IT Infrastructure
Business Applications
IT Investment
What Governance Arrangements Work Best
Monarchies work well when profit is a priority.
Feudal or business monarchy arrangements might work best when growth is a priority.
Federal arrangements can work well for input into all IT decisions. Avoid federal arrangement for all decisions since it's difficult to balance the center with the business unit needs.
Duopoly arrangements work well for IT principles, investment decisions and business application needs. Duopolies also work best when asset utilization is a priority.
Governance Mechanisms
Governance is implemented using the following mechanisms.
Decision-Making Structures
Organizational units and roles responsible for making IT decisions, such as committees, executive teams, and business/IT relationship managers.
Executive or senior management committees
IT leadership committee
Process teams with IT members
Business/IT relationship managers
IT council of IT and business executives
Architecture committee
Capital improvement committee
Alignments Processes
Formal processes for ensuring that daily behaviors are consistent with policies and provide input back to decisions. These include IT investment proposal and evaluation processes, architectural exception processes, service-level agreements, chargeback, and metrics.
Tracking of IT projects and resources consumed
Service-level agreements
Formally tracking business value of IT
Chargeback arrangements
Communications Approaches
Announcements, advocates, channels, and education efforts that disseminate IT governance principles and policies and outcomes of IT decision-making processes.
Work with managers that don't follow the rules
Senior management announcements
Office of CIO or IT governance
Web-based portals and intranets for IT
Mechanisms should be:
Simple: Unambiguously define the responsibility or objective for a specific person or group
Transparent: A formal process that's clear to those that are affected by or want to challenge decisions.
Suitable: Engage individuals best positioned to make given decisions.
Mechanisms do not work in isolation. The impact of governance depends on interactions among mechanisms.
Principles for Establishing a Set of Effective Mechanisms
Use all three types: decision-making structures, alignment process and communication approaches.
Limit decision-making structures. Too many structures leads to contradictions and disconnections. In large enterprises, decision-making responsibilities should be disseminated using alignment mechanisms, not decision-making structures.
Provide for overlapping membership in decision-making structures. Input is needed from business and technology to avoid disconnect between IT and business decisions.
Implement mechanisms at multiple levels of the organization. Architecture and IT budget process often provide the connection between enterprise governance and business unit governance in large organizations.
Clarify accountability. Management objectives and metrics will help reduce confusion over who is responsible for what.
Characteristics of Top Governance Performers
Top performing institutions are transparent about the tensions around IT decisions such as standardization vs innovation.
Managers in leadership positions can describe IT governance.
Rather than informal chats, use communication approaches (listed above) to engage managers and increase their knowledge IT governance.
Direct involvement of senior leaders in IT governance.
Clear business objectives for IT investment, usually just a few of the following
Reduce costs
Improve customer service
Provide information to management
Enhance customer communication
Support new ways of doing business
Enable a complete view of the customer
Improve product quality
Differentiated business strategies based on value disciplines (such as customer intimacy or product innovation) rather than operational excellence. Operational excellence is often a default strategy to reduce costs and points to the need for strategic focus.
Fewer renegade and more formally approved exceptions.
Fewer changes in IT governance from year to year.
Aligning IT Governance with Strategy and Performance
Six Components of Effective IT Governance Design
Enterprise strategy and organization. Strategy focuses employee attention on simple and achievable messages. Governance reinforces and transcends organization structure in defining responsibilities for implementing strategies.
Competitive thrust of the enterprise
Relationships among business units (autonomy vs. synergy or centralized vs. decentralized)
Intentions for the role and management of information and IT
IT governance arrangements. Identifies the archetypes used for each type of IT decision.
Business performance goals. Clear objectives for the governing bodies and benchmarks for assessing the success of governance efforts.
IT organization and desirable behaviors. Enterprise strategy and organization provide the direction for organization and desirable behaviors. Desirable behaviors must be in harmony with strategic direction or an enterprise cannot achieve its performance goals.
IT metrics and accountability. Who is responsible and how they will be evaluated.
IT governance mechanisms. Well designed mechanisms reinforce and encourage desirable behaviors and lead to outcomes specified in metrics and accountability.
Strategies for IT Governance
Value disciplines are usually one of the following
Operational excellence. Emphasizes efficiency and reliability. Leaders in price and convenience. Minimizes costs; streamlines supply chain. Governance is usually more centralized.
Customer intimacy. Focuses on building relationships with the customer. Governance models might allow more individual discretion.
Product or service leadership. Leaders in innovation, new solutions and rapid commercialization. Governance models might blend centralized approaches for fast innovation with decentralized approaches to allow more autonomy for innovation.
Business unit autonomy vs. synergy (centralized vs. decentralized)
Business unit autonomy can yields more growth
Business unit synergy can yield more profit
Management Principles for Designing Governance to Address Strategic Objectives
Make tough choices
Develop metrics to formalize strategic choices
Determine where organizational structure limits desirable behaviors. Design governance mechanisms to overcome the limitation.
Allow governance to evolve as management learns the role of IT and how to accept accountability for maximizing IT value. To facilitate synergy, firms use:
IT architecture committees
Clarifies cost savings for the shared model
Encourages responsible use of resources
Top 10 Leadership Principles for IT Governance
Actively design IT governance
Know when to redesign
Involve senior managers
Make choices
Clarify the exception-handling process
Provide the right incentives
Assign ownership and accountability for IT governance
Design governance at multiple organizational levels
Provide transparency and education
Implement common mechanisms across the six key assets
Intellectual property
Information and IT assets
Relationship assets
CyberSecOp offers Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) consultation services for many compliance mandates, including:
PCI DSS Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
HIPAA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
HITECH Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
GLBA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
FISMA Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
GDPR Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
NYDFS Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
ISO 27000 Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
NIST Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
We know a good Governance, Risk and Compliance program will protect your organization from Cyber Criminals.