Global Cybersecurity Advisory Expert

Global Advisory Experts (GAE) recognize CyberSecOp as The Global Cyber Security Advisory Expert

Global Advisory Experts (GAE) is the premier guide to leading advisory experts worldwide. We are the only organization to recommend one expert in each chosen specialism and country. We do this to avoid repetition, competition and extensive comparative research when selecting external advisory experts.

Global Advisory Experts (GAE) recognize CyberSecOp as the 2023 Global Cyber Security Advisory Expert.

CyberSecOp has been providing best-in-class cybersecurity assessment, breach management, operations services, and risk management consulting to companies in the U.S. and globally. We also act as a vCISO (Virtual Chief Information Security Officer). 

CyberSecOp is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) that works with mid-market and Fortune 500 firms across industries, specializing in finance/fintech, biotech/health, education and higher ed, manufacturing, and infrastructure. 

The company holds an ISO 27001 Certification, the international benchmark for implementing, managing, and maintaining information security within a company. We are also a CMMC RPO (Registered Provider Organization) as authorized by the U.S. Department of Defense. 


⎷ Completed 3,000 incident response engagements caused by every type of data breach.

⎷ Operate 24/7 and globally.

⎷ Our professional staff holds the highest available designations, like CISSP, CISA, and CISA. 

⎷ Agile and rapid response, unlike larger MSSPs. 

⎷ Highest-level consulting expertise at a reasonable price.

⎷ Capacity to negotiate, pay cryptocurrency and to retrieve encryption keys.

CyberSecOp have a strong track record of providing cybersecurity services to mid-market and Fortune 500 firms across multiple industries. Their expertise, ISO 27001 certification, and CMMC RPO authorization demonstrate their commitment to high information security standards. Additionally, their experienced professional staff and ability to handle various incidents is valuable for companies seeking cybersecurity services.

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