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Cyber Security Breach Defense & Ransomware Risk Reduction

Cyber Security Breach Defense and Ransomware Risk Reduction by 98%, As ransomware evolves, so does CyberSecOp defense technologies.

Ransomware is the fastest growing attack-vector targeting all sorts of companies, institutions and organizations. No organization is immune to cyber attack. Cyber attackers can demand money from companies and institutions of all sizes and industries including nonprofit, enterprises and startups.

Ransomware Protection Solutions

  • Managed Detection & Respond - Managed advanced endpoint protection, this is basically monitoring an advanced antivirus, which have the following features: Antivius, Firewall, Host Inturstion Prevention, Auto Malware Containment, and Malicious URL filtering services.

  • SOC as a Service - Secure Operations Center 24/ monitoring- starts with a SIEM which correlated all logs into a central system, but SIEM can ingest data from multiple solution in the client environment, for example: Network Traffic, Intrusion Prevention, Cloud Assess Security Broker, Data Loss Prevention, Mircosoft Active Directory, Antivirus, Authentication System, Access Management, and other security logs.

  • Cyber Security Threat Hunting - Treat Hunting is not tied to any one a solution, and it is a service provided by a team utilizing multiple tools to understand if the client has been compromised, also call a compromised assessment, which may include the following but not limited to: Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEM), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Network Traffic, Intrusion Prevention, Cloud Assess Security Broker, Data Loss Prevention, Microsoft Active Directory, antivirus, Authentication System, Access Management, and others.

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) - Data loss prevention software (Common Terms data loss, data leak) detects potential data breaches/data ex-filtration transmissions and prevents them by monitoring, detecting and blocking sensitive data. It is a standalone document, but its log data can be ingested by a SIEM correlation.

Preventing and Mitigating

  • Disable or remove remote services whenever possible; If not possible, use MFA/IP address restriction.

  • Do not allow remote access directly from the internet. Instead, enforce the use of remote access gateways along with a VPN that requires multi-factor authentication;

  • Require separate credentials for any remote access services; and administrative accounts.

  • Allow only VPN IP addresses to connect via RDP so that only trusted machines can connect;

  • Application whitelisting is critical to identify risks and unsanctioned application within your organization;

  • Network and domain segregation, isolation critical system from none critical system';

  • Deploy password lockout provisions to prevent brute-forcing attempts;

  • Implement awareness security training programs for employees;

  • Phishing simulation to identify employees who a susectiable to phishing emails;

  • Monthly external vulnerability testing;

  • Daily backup to a cloud provider, or take a copy of the backup offline Daily, Monthly, or Weekly depending on your business risk;

The best defense against ransomware is to outwit attackers by not being vulnerable to their threats in the first place. Ransomware penetrates organizations in multiple ways, so fighting it requires more than one product. CyberSecOp Ransomware Defense products provide ransomware protection from the network, DNS layer to email to the endpoint. As ransomware evolves, so does CyberSecOp defense technologies.